
With nearly 40 years of experience in personal injury, insurance defense, and other litigation, the mediators at Elverson Vasey are well prepared to facilitate your next mediation.

Elverson Vasey is prepared to act as a certified mediator for your next Iowa mediation. Mediation is a method of alternative dispute resolution where the parties come together, aided by an impartial third party mediator, to attempt to come to a resolution that satisfies both parties' interests.

With nearly 40 years of experience in a wide variety of litigation, Jon Vasey is able to readily identify the strengths and weaknesses of cases to aid parties in properly evaluating their position and resolving matters in their best interest. Jon Vasey's extensive trial experience allows him to help parties resolve their issues through alternative dispute resolution by evaluating how each side would present their case before a jury or judge. Let Elverson Vasey guide you through your next mediation to a mutually beneficial resolution.

Jon is a certified mediator and member of the American Academy of Alternative Dispute Resolution Attorneys. He has completed extensive mediation trainings including a 13-week course on mediation and arbitration techniques.